Sunday, October 21, 2012

How we Dream.

This is how we dream moved from an explanation of how we write, and look at things that have been written.  The video shows us what Mr. Miller calls incremental changes in the writing and the reading field.  How technology is yet moving forward through the writing perspective. Written documents are no longer just books to be in a library. But Through the internet many forms of knowledge have been open to anyone that seeks to find it.

As I listen to the video Mr. Miller mention, that he did not have to go to the library to find information. He did not have to leave the comfort of his computer but everything he needed was already there. When leaving to go search for information was a time taking process. Now everything that you would like to know can be found at your finger tips. Another point I enjoyed that he made was being able to share. He said that now we can share knowledge infinitely.  There is no time table on how long it will be until you recieve. But at the press of a button the unknown can easily become known.

Even though, information is so assessable for peoples use. That fact still remains that it’s usually only text.  Making something easy to reach is only half the job. Now the other half is making it interesting.  He spoke on incorporating new ideas into text only documents. Like the incorporation of sound, images, and video into a document will soon become a new way to make the reader more insightful. Leaving from Microsoft word, to form documents that or more exciting and pull more readers into your writing.

Carly Pugh blog post.
I really enjoyed carly post I found it truly to be very inspirational. Even if I’m not inspiring to be an English teacher points that she made had me thinking.  It’s something to have thoughts on what you want to do, but to put them on paper and act on them becomes a new adventure. In her writing she speaks of wanting to include the internet and its many utilities into her classroom.  I recognize this want and need to express use of technology in the class room falls in line with Mr. Miller.

The Chipper Serious and the Edm 310 for Dummies report.
I must first say that I found the chipper video very funny. I would like to participate in a video about hard work. I believe that a central theme for this video is to stay on task and on time. This video actually helped me see myself slowly falling into a chipper serious mindset. But I defiantly have to stay on task, turning work in when is due is better than turning it in late. Edm 310 for dummies was very interesting also. I think everyone experiences the crazy feeling at the begging of the class. What I was left wondering was this book real.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I enjoyed this video. I believe that the arguments made by each person were substantial to the future were moving forward to. I really like Stephen Heppell he and he also has a website.  I actually went and looked at one of his personal videos called stephen heppell learning without frontiers Which I truly enjoyed.


  1. Hello Lamarsio! This is Ashaunte and I will be commenting on your blog post this week. I would like to first say that I thought your blog post was well written and I love the picture of the kids that you embedded. A couple of things that I noticed was that you didnt have a source for the picture when you place the cursor over the picture. One other thing that I ran across was in the sentence "Even if I’m not 'inspiring' to be an English teacher points that she made had" I think you may have meant "aspiring" there. Other than those two minor corrections, I thought that your blog was awesome! Keep up the good work!

  2. No, the book was not real.

    Your summaries are virtually non-existent. For each part of the assignment you are to do two things: 1) identify AND summarize what you read or watched; 2) provide your reactions, questions, perspective.


    In addition, your writing needs a lot of work. You MUST go to the writing center in Alpha East and they must notify me of your attendance there.

    After Week 8 I do not serve as proofreader and rewriter. Now it is your turn.

    In your first paragraph I found two tense errors, one incomplete sentences and two capitalization errors (involving 5 words).

    Paragraph 2:
    2 -wrong verb tense
    1- extraneous comma
    1- extremely awkward sentence that needs rewriting.

    Paragraph 3:
    1- extraneous comma
    3- extremely awkward sentence that needs rewriting
    1 - word misused
    1 - missing apostrophe

    Paragraph 4:
    1- comma problem
    0- extremely awkward sentence that needs rewriting
    1 - word misused
    1 - missing apostrophe

    Paragraph 5:
    0- extraneous comma
    1- extremely awkward sentence that needs rewriting
    0 - word misused
    0 - missing apostrophe
    2 - capitalization problems

    Paragraph 6:
    0- extraneous comma
    1- extremely awkward sentence that needs rewriting
    2 - word misused
    0 - missing apostrophe
    1 - capitalization problem
