Sunday, September 30, 2012

Blog Assignment #5

Ischool Initiative

The video was very nice; many kids would love the opportunity to be able to stop the use of the # 2 pencil. Technology is something that most every student has use of in there day. So to incorporate the use of the most used device into the learning environment would make things smoother. Also the ability to lower cost in schools would be a nice benefactor for both parents, teachers and students. I believe that the ischool will become highly used in the years to come.

I found that the video really caught my attention. So much that I wanted to check out his organization ischool. The website was very interesting, even with a link to help donate to the cause. Visiting the website gave me an inside look about what they were trying to accomplish. Making a stand to help revolutionize the education process is exciting and fun. Visit the website and help make a change toward a better educational future.

Lux Aurumque First the music side of me must speak. I have song this piece before and I must say that it is not easy and that it sounded beautiful. The fact that this was created using the internet is amazing. The pitch was amazing and the blend was wonderful. Over the phone and internet there is usually a drag time with the voice but everything fell in place. Including the director, for that many people singing and watching a director at the same time while on the internet trust me it's much harder than what it seems. This was amazing to watch and hear.

Mr. Roberts
 Kevin’s ideas for teaching in the 21st century are amazing. He is hitting the point that it want be enough to teach formulas and theories. That each student will have the ability to look up the regular things taught on their on. That the wide variety of helpful sites gives this ability to them. He was saying that if the teaching continues this way then those helpful websites would might as well be teaching for us.

Flipped The Class Room
I watched the Katie Gimbar parts of why I flipped my class room. I think that flipping the class room is a great idea. I understood exactly what she was saying by the different levels of students in the class room. Giving the students something they control to go about at their on pace I believe can work very well. I would defiantly be able to use this in my teaching. Mainly because of the help it gives to open up time for interaction in the class room between teacher and student.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Blog Assignment #4

The benifits of podcasting in the class room

This video was interesting in the aspect that introducing new ideas into the class room can help with kids wanting to learn. That the podcast can be an essential part of any class room that would like a much more lively class. What I learn from this video is that podcast can even help with children that have been out sick from class for long periods of time. It also gives the parent the reassurance that their kids or participating in class and that they or learning. Even that the podcast can promote individual creativity and innovation, that encourages the students to get involved and continue to stay involved.

After reading the, listing – comprehension – podcast, I was very surprised that the third graders were able to experiment with the Hebrew language and actually tell a story using there techniques. Being a lover of music I found it extremely interesting that they were able to rearrange the voices and put them in different spots using the smart board. While looking at these pictures I was feeling the erg to somehow find me a smart board for myself. Once again this was not just an exercise to use the smart board, but opening an experience for the students to learn new skills. I learned that being able to work with you voice can help in a podcast. Helping with the diction and pronunciation with the words, making things clearer for the listener I understood how important this process is.

Podcasting with the first grade, my first expression was a shock that a class of first graders could accomplish such a fun task while staying on task. It was good to know that introducing new things to the class room can help bring out the confidence in many kids. I learn from this that in a podcast that you want to make sure that whoever is listing actually understands what you’re trying to do. That being able to present, comprehend, and have oral fluency is very important. Those three stuck out to me know that you want to keep the listeners attention.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blog Assignment 2

Address to Did You Know? 3.0 - A John Strange 2012 Version The video by Dr. Strange using the information from the, did you know serious, Gary Hayes Social Media Counts, and by the Kaiser Family Foundation Study Generation M2: Media in the lives of 8 to 18 Year-Old, January 2010. I found this video very interesting and a little disturbing. The fact that I heard from numerous sources that many people don’t have computers in their home and for that reason many don’t have access to the internet. While watching the video to read that two years ago a percentage of 93 kids between the ages of 8-18 had computers in their home blew me away. The truth being that just because you hear it doesn’t make it true that just because you have information doesn’t make it accurate information.

The number of videos watched on YouTube in the course of a minute was very shocking. Personally I really am not a YouTube fan, but while reading the information on YouTube and watching the video I realized that in the course of a minute I was one making up the sum of 1,097,220 people watching the same minute I was. 1,393, 519 in this same minute did a search on Google. Being a big user of Google I did not find this shocking. As it went to the next slide 11,453,577 sms messages were being sent worldwide. I always knew that computers and phones were used a lot but to actually have it put in numbers is something different to rap your mind around, Also knowing that your either making this number or adding to it helps you see yourself in this group of individuals making huge numbers by using such a simple tool.

Mr. Winkel Wakes, at first I wonder how I was going to write to paragraphs on something so simple that took 2:31 seconds. But then I realized that was it, something so simple expressed in a simple way, making a point in my case that my teacher stress so often when were in class. That the classroom is not supposed to be places where you do something call “Burp Back Education” Dr Strang. The video showed us a possible ongoing way of life in our educational system that we sit get fed and then give it back. That how we can let everything else advance and get better and not adjust our teaching method.

What would be the reason for schools if you weren’t taught what you needed for the outside world but when you get there you have to learn new techniques and undo a 12 year period of learning wrong, or better an old way of learning! That we are following a tradition of teaching that for the time when it was relevant to the times was the best method. But now that times have changed the methods of How, Why, and for what reason we’re teaching should change also. The purpose of school is to prepare the students to enter into the world as a proactive and successful member of society. This is also the objective of any teacher that does not wish to see their students fail as a member of society.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity: I just want to scream ken Robinson, ken Robinson, I can honestly say that I enjoyed this video to the fullest. I believe Mr. Robinson was amazing, the words that he said I or correct. We have been brought up to fear being wrong. While watching this video I begin to think of myself which I realize that I have had many times where I have feared being wrong so I did not say anything. That as I grew I was thought that if I don’t know not to answer and this is one thing he words proved in this video.

The things he said I heard myself, don’t do music you want get a job, don’t do music because you want make money. Knowing that I stirred away from music and went to something more that I would likely get a job and make money. I liked something he said was that “intelligence is distinct “many people experience bright ideas in different ways. Just because one person learns different and express themselves differently doesn’t mean that there not important. It means that a different technique is needed to help bring out the inner ability to express ones intellectual needs.

The Future, Mr. Winkle video showed us a future. A future that is very much possible from what we are doing now. A future that is making itself a strong part of the future made of glass. The video a Day made of glass is a future that shows a bright technological future where the student is an incline user. Now the reason I say that Mr. Winkle video is a strong part of a possible future is because, technology will not wait just because a part of a generation doesn’t know how to use it. The advancement is possible but the people must meet the requirements.

I believe that if our methods of teaching remain at an industrial method we will not meet the criteria that the future is calling for; to produce the more qualified teachers. The technology is not a person no matter how much it can do it still need to be controlled, used, and furthermore directed in use. To have a day made of glass would be an enormous benefactor to our future children and students. If we were to make the right steps toward a more advanced way of living, teaching and learning the possibility of the day made of glass would become a proactive and accessible way of life to everyone.